Voice raised by A.K. Bindusar, founder of the Indian Media Foundation, regarding the non-effective implementation of the Journalists and Social Activists Protection Act 2022.

👇समाचार सुनने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

New Delhi: ′The Indian Media Foundation is preparing to send letters throughout the country through district collectors from March 20, regarding their demands concerning the increasing danger to journalists and social activists in the country. A.K. Bindusar, the founder of the Indian Media Foundation, said that the Journalist (Prevention of Violence and Damage) Act, 2022 has been introduced for the safety of journalists. This Act has been made to prevent violence against journalists and for their protection. In addition, this law has also been made for the protection of journalists’ institutions and properties.

There is also a United Nations action plan for the safety of journalists. The purpose of this plan is to create a safe and free environment for journalists and media personnel.
He said that the 2022 Act is not being implemented effectively, what is the reason behind this?
He said that the Indian Media Foundation is working with its resolution. The work being done for the safety of journalists includes: raising awareness for the safety of journalists, setting standards and making policies, monitoring and reporting, capacity building, research, and forming organizations etc. are engaged in important work.
He said that there are many types of threats to journalists, which are as follows…………
* Murder
* Kidnapping
* Hostage taking
* Offline and online harassment
* Threats
* Forced disappearance
* Arbitrary detention
* Torture
* Sexual harassment
* Online abuse etc. are included.
He said that there is also a provision for some punishment under the law we are talking about, which is as follows……… Anyone who commits violence against a journalist will be punished with imprisonment for one year or any kind of imprisonment, which will not be less than one year and which can be extended up to three years, and will also have to pay a fine.
Apart from this, violence against journalists by the police will be considered a violation of the right to freedom of the media, which is given in Article 19 (1) A of the Constitution, and under this article of the Constitution, a criminal case will be registered against the policeman or officer who misbehaves.
But till date, officers do not take action on harassment, for this we all have to be aware and understand the power of our media.
Appealing to all the members of the Indian Media Foundation and media officers and office bearers, he said that we have learned that there are mainly four types of mass communication media: print media, electronic/broadcast media, outdoor and transit media, and digital media/new media/internet media. We need to explain the power of this media system of ours.

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